Tips, advice and general chatter about freelance parent life…
Freelance communities for self-employed parents
Being self-employed can be a lonely old ride, and even more so when you’re a parent. We’ve all been there — you know, frantically trying to explain...
Podcasts for freelancers with kids
You know the drill. Freelance family life is chaotic and exhausting... finding the time to watch one dance on this week's Strictly feels like a...
What the f*ck am I doing Steve?
I wrote this back in 2016 when DIFTK was just an idea, but it still rings true. Here's why I launched a community for freelance parents... ...
How to survive the school holidays as a freelancer
Aaah, the million-dollar freelance parent question: How do you survive having your kids at home over the school holidays when you’ve got a...
The things you need to start a freelance business around your family
So, you’re thinking about starting a freelance business? Woop! You know it’s going to be a challenge (even if a flippin’ exciting one!) but with the...
How to plan your maternity leave as a freelance mum
Congratulations! You’re bringing a new life into the world. *Cue confetti!* We know that however excited you are, having a baby is daunting. And...
Working 9-3: Getting work done during school hours
You’d have thought that having a child in school meant all the time in the world to focus, right? But for lots of freelance parents, figuring out...
Applying for Maternity Allowance: The sh*t you need to know
I love a bit of pizza, but dear god if I hear Vivaldi’s Four Seasons one more time I might actually cry. Why? Because I spent most of my second...
Is that a legit business expense?
When I run for President of This Ball of Rock We Call Earth, I’d promise to make a few changes for freelance and self-employed parents....